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Core Complete Training: A Systematic Approach for Aesthetic Core Development

Part 2 of Chris Kelly's core series is an evidence-based tested core training program designed to build a strong and aesthetically pleasing mid-section combined with the ability to function efficiently in the real world. Through video and text you will learn the purpose for different types of unique core training exercises and methods to expand your "tool box." Learn to progressively increase the challenge of your training programs for clients of all levels and take the entire core (versus merely the abs) to a new level of function. Part 1 Restore the Core: Integrated Core Training for Real World Function is also available.

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Price: $54.00

Product Detail

Part 2 of Chris Kelly's core series is an evidence-based tested core training program designed to build a strong and aesthetically pleasing mid-section combined with the ability to function efficiently in the real world. Through video and text you will learn the purpose for different types of unique core training exercises and methods to expand your "tool box." Learn to progressively increase the challenge of your training programs for clients of all levels and take the entire core (versus merely the abs) to a new level of function. Part 1 Restore the Core: Integrated Core Training for Real World Function is also available.