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Why choose the NAFC ?


"The NAFC Difference"

  • The NAFC is a Certification Organization that places focus upon a hands-on and practical approach to fitness, corrective movement and 'healing' the human body. We work with a number of organizations from a holistic perspective, this being the development of a sound and healthy mind and body.

  • The NAFC not only places an emphasis upon the physical mechanics and structure of the body, but also recognizes and educates you regarding the importance of nutritional health, through our intense and very in-depth nutrition and wellness programs, which have become an essential part of the core coursework for a major health institute.

  • The NAFC is different from the other certification organizations in that our students are not only seeking careers, but rather want to introduce a lifestyle of health into theirs' and others' everyday lives. The NAFC works with professional trainers, educators and institutions whose goals are health, fitness and an ongoing lifestyle for longevity in health.

  • Our workshop "intensives" are such that the NAFC gets to know each of our candidates on a personal level, unlike some of the bigger companies that churn out certificates on a relatively impersonal basis. Not so with the NAFC, as we treat each individual student as a representation of "who we are and what we stand for."

  • Be proud to be affiliated with an organization like the NAFC where "you as an individual truly matter."

NAFC professionals have the combined advantage of having acquired a superb education, and the skill sets to make a great income doing what they are most passionate about!

"When the NAFC certifies trainers, we teach you how

to train. We train you in knowing how to move bodies.

We train you for success!"