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If you are interested in advancing your career as a fitness professional, signing up is simple!

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Join the growing community of professionals who get booked on FHMatch!

FHMatch is the best all-in-one platform to grow and manage your business – get discovered by new clients, chat with and book clients and manage your schedule. We give you and your prospective clients a central place to search, select and connect at NO COST.

It’s the perfect marketing platform to tell your story – build your brand, showcase your expertise and increase brand awareness.

Clients use a simple search to quickly locate registered professionals of interest in their area, look through professional profiles and assess qualifications. They can follow, message and send booking requests right from your profile.

Having your business show up first on a search engine is hard to do – showing up first for the services you provide in your area is key to finding new clients. Take advantage of our heavy focus on marketing, SEO and portfolio optimization of your profile, website and social links to improve your position on all search engines!

Try our Premium profile, free for your first 30 days – no credit card required! Fill it out with your favourite pictures, videos, certifications, website links and contact info so you can drive traffic everywhere you operate. Accept booking requests on FHMatch and start scheduling your clients. Use the NAFC discount code NAFC20 to save 20% on a Premium membership.

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